Every love story begins with an act of flirtation. But flirting isn't just about landing the perfect mate. We flirt because we are inherently playful, because we want the attention, because it allows us fight and flight. Be inspired by love, but also by other ways we flirt with the forces of the world. Flirt with danger. Flirt with death. Flirt with the idea of revealing something spicy.
Remember: it's only a flirt!

We want 100 words about 5 minutes of your life, on the theme of FLIRT.. Interpret any way you’d like. The word FLIRT does not need to be in your piece. Submit twice! Each entry $5; fee happily waived, just email susanna@fiveminutelit.com.

Our contest readers will read/score pieces. The top ten pieces will be sent to Contest Judge Max Pasakorn who will choose the winner. All top ten pieces will run in Five Minutes.

The winner will receive $125.

Please read Five Minutes’ guidelines for our regular submissions, which apply here, except you MAY submit even if you have pieces upcoming in Five Minutes, and you may submit twice. We will return your entry and request a re-format if guidelines haven’t been followed.

The contest runs October 1-31; our regular submissions are also open at this time.

WILL INSERT MAX INTRO/BIO/PHOTO HERE, followed by contest readers and submissions button.