Five Minutes explores five minutes of a life in one hundred words. Five minutes is edited by Susanna Baird, with editorial support from managing editor Maria s. picone, newsletter editor kate meen, and founding reader bobbi lerman, plus our rotating team of guest readers, who you can meet in the latest newsletteR. Five Minutes was founded in October 2020, with the Salem (Mass.)-based writing group Carrot Cake Writers supplying the journal’s first pieces. We’d love to read your five. Submit here


I ran and hid in the lush round evergreen on the corner before the moon came and the mothers called us in. I squeezed inside its shelter, an advantage of being small, and the bush scratched my arms with its grasp. I didn’t care. From here, I could see Matt crouched behind a car and Mary moving tree to tree. Mostly my eyes followed David, pacing in front of the rusty red Folgers can in the middle of the street. I waited, giddy but still, in silent worship of Midwest summers and velvet dusks, almost ready for the mad dash.

Amy Bohlman is a Minnesota-based writer in love with the short form. Find Amy at and on Instagram @ashortgirlwrites

Waxing Crescent
