I wake up. I peel seventeen soaked almonds. I prepare a concoction of Ayurvedic water that alleviates acidity. I cut a lemon and squeeze to curdle milk for a bowl of cottage cheese. I rummage through refrigerator bags for tomato, capsicum, carrot, beans, peas, garlic, coriander, and pick an onion from the basket perched on the fridge. I compile these ingredients on a plate for his breakfast. I treat myself to a cup of mint tea as I read the words inscribed on my phone wallpaper: I am the cherished and the cherisher. I am the loveable and the lover.
Swati Moheet Agrawal believes in the power of creating small joys instead of pining for a big one to arrive miraculously in her life. Find Swati on Instagram @swatiwhowrites.