Five Minutes explores five minutes of a life in one hundred words. Five minutes is edited by Susanna Baird, with editorial support from managing editor Maria s. picone, newsletter editor kate meen, and founding reader bobbi lerman; july READERS chelsea allen, meredith asuru, kathy curto, Chee Kein (Arthur) Neong, brad snyder, Leanne Sowul, krystal tyree, julene waffle, casey mulligan walsh. Five Minutes was founded in October 2020, with the Salem (Mass)-based writing group Carrot Cake Writers supplying the journal’s first pieces. We’d love to read your five. Submit here

The Stray

The stray black kitten, known to neighborhood kids as Silky, climbs up the screen door to peer into our living room. He begins mewing a high-pitched, pitiful cry. We look up to find Silky splayed like da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man, hanging by his tiny claws. His topaz eyes beseech us to take him in. No cat’s ever done this! “He needs us,” we plead. “You can feed him outside,” Mom relents, “but he can’t come in!” We do as we’re told, but Silky’s undeterred. He knows he’s found his new home, his forever family. Only Mom doesn’t yet realize it … .

Wendy K. Mages, a professor at Mercy College, is a storyteller and educator. To learn more about her stories and her work, please visit

Don't Love You

Woodland Ambush