Five Minutes explores five minutes of a life in one hundred words. Five minutes is edited by Susanna Baird, with editorial support from managing editor Maria s. picone, newsletter editor kate meen, and founding reader bobbi lerman, plus our rotating team of guest readers, who you can meet in the latest newsletteR. Five Minutes was founded in October 2020, with the Salem (Mass.)-based writing group Carrot Cake Writers supplying the journal’s first pieces. We’d love to read your five. Submit here


The wet snow in the woods forces me to run on the road this morning. But Sunday, so no traffic. I turn onto a cul-de-sac with an uphill to get my heart thumping. Of course the guy has to start up his truck just then, just so I get the fumes. On my return he's still there, idling, waiting to pass me and blow more fumes. I accelerate, pounding downhill. At the road's end we will part ways. From behind, a motor makes me look over my shoulder…and plant both feet into the huge puddle I didn't see. Damn him.

Ian Owens is a self-employed engineer who writes for the fun of it, mostly about self-propelled travel and Vikings. His first book, "Riding the Big One," has both.

Sparks & Kisses
