Every month we publish a Submissions Spotlight, highlighting a publication we think our writers and readers should check out. We’re always looking for the next publication! The list below is a work in progress; links and brief descriptions coming soon.
Bending Genres: CNF, fiction, poetry, microreviews
Beautiful Things: “River Teeth’s weekly online magazine featuring micro-essays of 250 words or fewer.”
Brevity: A Journal of Concise Literary Nonfiction publishes “writers working in the brief essay form” (750 words or less). The Brevity blog publishes pieces on the craft of writing nonfiction, including “issues in editing and publishing, writing conference experiences, interviews with writers or editors, writing prompts, close readings of essays or essayists, or specific issues.”
Does It Have Pockets? “An online literary magazine with an emphasis on the uncategorizable” publishing CNF, fiction, poetry, artwork.
Fahmidan “hopes to bring out diverse voices and their cacophonous words.” Nonfiction, flash, fiction, poetry.
Five on the Fifth
The Forge
Fractured Lit
Hippocampus Magazine: “Memorable creative nonfiction.” Flash CNF, personal essays, and memoir excerpts.
HuffPost Personal
Hunger Mountain
Identity Theory
In a Flash Journal of Compressed Creative Arts
The Milk House
Roi Faineant Press
Taco Bell Quarterly
Tangled Locks
A Thin Slice of Anxiety
Tiny Molecules
Y2K Quarterly
Defunct (or possibly on hiatus): Antithesis, Atlas & Alice, The Birdseed, Dead Skunk, The Drabble.