Five Minutes explores five minutes of a life in one hundred words. Five minutes is edited by Susanna Baird, with editorial support from managing editor Maria s. picone, newsletter editor kate meen, and founding reader bobbi lerman, plus our rotating team of guest readers, who you can meet in the latest newsletteR. Five Minutes was founded in October 2020, with the Salem (Mass.)-based writing group Carrot Cake Writers supplying the journal’s first pieces. We’d love to read your five. Submit here

Broken Hearted

The first time my heart stopped, I was asleep. The pain hit me—a searing, agonizing inferno burning through my chest. (“Defibrillation is like a kick in the chest from a horse,” they said. They were idiots.) Tears streamed, everything burned. I gasped; a length of metal and a battery stood between whether I lived or died? In the aftermath, time felt suspended, those minutes a lifetime where I existed, alone with my pain, alone with the knowledge that I had somehow cheated death. But I’m never really alone, am I? The fear of sudden cardiac death is my ever-present companion.

April McCloud is a 1 percent bionic human, a librarian, and a black belt who worships her cat and hopes to be reincarnated as a red panda.

Guilford Age 15
