I was only nineteen when, every Friday, you would stop by Jacque Michelle’s, the chic boutique where I worked on the Hill, to deliver curated music cassette tapes. You carefully titled each song: “You’ve Got a Friend” by James Tayler, “You Fill Up My Senses” by John Denver, “December” by George Winston, and “Drive All Night” by Bruce Springsteen. Later, with the windows rolled down, we would blast the volume high, singing at the top of our lungs; you told me how you loved my voice. Later, our voices blended beautifully, and I learned to sing harmony against your melody.
Laura Barr, a bibliophile, runner, and mother, guides high school students in creating personal narratives that tell their best, unique stories with authenticity and creativity. www.laurabarr.com laurabarr.com/#flipbook-df_4928/1/ Instagram: @laura_barr_denver Substack: laurabarr.substack.com