My mother collapsed on a cruise ship and was airlifted to California. I was in Massachusetts but the 3,000 miles separating us was nothing compared to the distance between our hearts. I didn’t think she’d want me to come; nevertheless, I boarded a plane. A no-nonsense nurse greeted me. “She’s heavily sedated and won’t wake up for days. You can speak to her. She may hear you. Or not.” I tiptoed into my mother’s room and took her hand, careful not to disturb her breathing tube, feeding tube, IV tube. “I’m here, Mom,” I whispered. My mother opened her eyes.
Lesléa Newman has created 85 books for readers of all ages including two memoirs-in-verse, I Carry My Mother and I Wish My Father. Facebook: leslea.newman Instagram: @lezelpoet X: @lesleanewman