Teri Boland commanded two friends to chase after me during recess. They held my arms behind me so she could lean forward and kiss me on the lips. I wiggled and squirmed, enough to demonstrate protest, though not so much to stop her. "You have a girlfriend," Lloyd whispered in Social Studies. I raised my middle finger. He held up a stick figure drawing of a boy, penis extended, and a girl, on her knees. "This is next." "Fuck you," I replied, but my heart was pounding and my voice cracked. I pursed my lips, trying to recall Teri's touch.
Michael Barbato-Dunn has appeared in 101 Words, Microfiction Monday Magazine, Shacklebound Books’ The Book of Drabbles, Sci-Fi Shorts, The Dribble Drabble Review, and other publications. michaelbarbatodunn.com