It’s 1969, somewhere in Alaska, my first time on sentry duty for the United States Air Force; the middle of a December night, thirty degrees below zero, a guard shack in front of a nuclear weapons dump site. The Sergeant tells me, “You’ll be relieving Airman Buboltz. He’ll break you in, show you the ropes, tell you everything you have to know.” I nod and sling my M-16 over my shivering shoulder, stomp my booted feet, clap my mittened hands together. With the Sergeant gone, Buboltz asks, “You ever stand inside a phone booth?” “Yeah.” “That’s it,” and he leaves.
Jim DeFilippi’s latest book is The Third History of America: 100 Chapters in 100 Words. Find all of Jim’s books, mostly crime fiction and humor, at his Amazon Author Page: Jim DeFilippi.